Friday, 10 July 2015

Unit 1 P1

P1: Attributes


Interpersonal Skills:
Interpersonal skills means that you are able to work with others around you and are able to communicate with others in different levels, this sill can help you a lot in group work. This shows the employers that you are comfortable and confident with working with others and can communicate with other staff in different levels.
Numerical Skills:
Having qualification in math’s, shows the employer that you have the ability to calculate numbers without having any issues and also tells them that you won’t rely on others to help you with calculation. Numerical skill is very useful skill as it is required in many jobs, having this skill will make it easier to get a job.
Problem Solving:
Being able to problem solve will help you when working in IT as you will need to know how to troubleshoot to identify issues. This shows the employer, that you are capable in identifying and solving the problem. Having this skill in the IT department is a big advantage, as you will be given many jobs, in which you will have to solve problems with a computer system or with a network. 


Self-motivation is one of the most important skills you must show to an employer. This is valued by an employer because it shows that you can keep yourself motivated, even if you are tired and stressed at work. This shows the employers that you are very reliable and never give up if you are finding it difficult.
Being confident shows that you can work by yourself and get on with it, without relying on others to help or doing it for you. This shows the employer that you have experience on what your jobs is and also shows them that you have the skills to trouble shoot if you are finding it difficult to find the solution.
Being dependable shows that you are very reliable and also show the employer that you have a good work ethic and can get the work done on time. This means that you will not stop unit you have completed the job you were given. Being able to complete the job on time will make your employer and customer happy


Health and Safety Guides:
One of the main skills you will need to show is that you can follow the health and safety guides. This shows the employer that you are able to work safely in a work place it also shows that you are very trust worthy and will not mess around in the work place.
Technical Knowledge:
Technical knowledge, this shows that you know all about a computer system and all the components in it. This skill shows the employers, that you have experience and know what you are doing and have no problem identifying components in a computer system. Showing this skill in the work place is very helpful, as you will be very quick to identify an issue and then go one to solving it on time.

"note your college tutor may ask you to expand on some of the points, so try to add more to the assignment. Also remember not to copy and paste word for word, as colleges have now implemented a software on their system, when marking the assignment, to check if document has been copied from someone else or the Internet"

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